Henan Mingtai Aluminum was once again selected as the Fortune China Listed Companies 500

2023-07-14 14:45:05

Recently, the 2023 “Fortune” list of China’s top 500 listed companies was announced, and Henan Mingtai Aluminum (601677) ranked 440th on the list.

The list is jointly compiled by Fortune (Chinese version) and CICC. The list takes into account the performance and achievements of the largest Chinese listed companies in the world in the past year. The total operating income of the 500 Chinese listed companies on the list reached 65.8 trillion yuan, with a net profit of 4.7 trillion yuan. The annual revenue threshold of the listed companies is close to 23.7 billion yuan.

As a private listed company, Henan Mingtai Aluminum always adheres to the leadership of party building, respects the law of market development, complies with the development trend of the industry, and focuses on improving the company’s operating capabilities and service levels. In 2022, the company will achieve a sales volume of 1.17 million tons of aluminum sheet, strip and foil products, with a market share of about 9%, an operating income of 27.8 billion yuan, and a net profit of 1.6 billion yuan attributable to the parent. In the second half of the year, the company will continue to focus on the two major themes of project construction and product structure transformation and upgrading, accelerate the construction of Yirui New Materials’ annual output of 700,000 tons of green new aluminum alloy materials, and increase the production of high value-added products in the fields of new energy and energy storage. R & D and sales, increase the production scale and usage ratio of recycling aluminum, strive to achieve steady growth in production and sales scale and profitability, and contribute more Mingtai strength to the high-quality economic development of the province.