Mingtai Aluminum was selected as one of the top 50 non-ferrous metal enterprises in 2022

2023-08-22 15:17:42

On August 17, the press conference of the 2023 key contact enterprise statistics director and the 2022 top 50 nonferrous metal enterprises hosted by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association was held in Datong, Shanxi. With an operating income of 27.78 billion yuan and a net profit of 1.642 billion yuan, Mingtai Aluminum was listed among the top 50 non-ferrous metal enterprises in 2022 and the top 50 non-ferrous metal enterprises in terms of net profit in 2022, ranking 50th and 32nd respectively. bit.

In 2022, the operating income of the top 50 non-ferrous metal enterprises will achieve a relatively high growth rate, and the total operating income will reach 6,046.57 billion yuan, an increase of 643.87 billion yuan compared with 2021, an increase of 11.9% year-on-year, accounting for about 75.6% of the operating income of non-ferrous metal enterprises above designated size. about. The bottom line for the top 50 non-ferrous metal enterprises with operating income has been raised to 27.8 billion yuan, which is 9.6 billion yuan higher than the 2021 entry threshold, a year-on-year increase of 52.8%.

In 2022, the top 50 non-ferrous metal companies will rank among the top 50 in terms of net profit, with excellent operating quality and efficiency, strong cost control, and outstanding profitability. In terms of profit scale, the net profit of the top 50 companies was 271.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40.8%. Among them, the net profit of 33 companies increased, and the net profit of 17 companies decreased. From the perspective of profitability, the top 50 companies ranked by net profit have a profit margin of 5.9%, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than that of non-ferrous metal industrial enterprises above designated size (4.2%).

In recent years, Mingtai Aluminum has adhered to the road of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, committed to the application and research of aluminum resource recycling, and has comprehensively built a new aluminum industry cycle ecosystem with “Mingtai characteristics”, taking the lead in realizing aluminum Large-scale recycling of resources, environmental protection and economic benefits have achieved phased results. With comprehensive advantages in technology, brand products, and market services in the field of recycled flat-rolled aluminum alloy materials, it has won the “National Manufacturing Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise” and “National Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory”, “National Green Factory” and other titles.

In the next step, the company will continue to base itself on the new development stage, actively practice new development concepts, build a new development pattern of green cycle, accelerate the promotion of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, continuously optimize the industrial structure and energy structure, strengthen the drive of technological innovation, and vigorously develop and regenerate High-end aluminum alloy new materials promote the transformation and upgrading of the recycled non-ferrous metal industry, improving quality and efficiency.